Become a Board-Certified Nurse Coach in Less Than a Year
If you’ve been wondering how you can become a Board-Certified Nurse Coach, then this episode is for you!
In it, we’ll be talking about everything (and we mean everything) you need to know to move on from being a nurse to being a Nurse Coach.
If you’ve been craving a change as a nurse, if you’re disheartened with our healthcare system, and if you just don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel anymore, then moving from nursing to Nurse Coaching might be exactly what you need.
You see, nursing is a taxing profession. We know many nurses who are overworked, stressed to the max, and suffering from burnout.
Nurse Coaching can be a solution to that, because not only does it help you heal patients through holistic means, it can also help you heal your mental health.
So, what does it take to become a Nurse Coach?
This is one of the many questions we answer in this episode!
Are you ready to learn more?
Let’s dive in.
P.S. Just a quick reminder that our podcast launch GIVEAWAY is still ongoing – which means you can still join to compete for over $10,000 in prizes.
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Why We Do This Work
If you’ve been wondering why we’ve started The Nurse Coach Collective, then the answer is simple: We do this work because of our nurses and our Nurse Coaches. Because of the life-changing work they do, because of the incredible things they go through, and because of the efforts they make to transform not only their lives but the lives of others as well.
How We Do This Work (and Help Thousands of Nurses Become Board-Certified Nurse Coaches)
You will quickly find as you explore this website (which we invite you to do) that we offer a ton of free resources. And if you check those resources, you’ll find out that there is no way for you to directly go from checking our website and watching our videos to immediately being able to enroll and sign up to become a Nurse Coach.
You see, we take our Nurse Coaching program seriously, and we want you to be truly motivated and ready for what’s to come before you can sign up.
There is one step that has to happen before you can enroll in The Nurse Coach Collective program, and that’s having an application call with somebody on our team and speaking directly to an already Board-Certified Nurse Coach.
We believe it helps to talk to a professional in the field because it gives you the opportunity to learn from someone with hands-on experience and weigh your options for what comes next.
The reason we think this step is so important is because before we even tell you about the curriculum and the work to come, we want to learn about you as a person and as a nurse. We want to understand what’s pushing you to become a Board-Certified Nurse Coach and why you’re willing to go through this commitment.
This is also done for you, so that you can understand what it’s really like to be a Nurse Coach, what the work entails, and if it’s the right field for you.
Become a Board-Certified Nurse Coach and Discover Infinite Possibilities
When we say there are infinite possibilities that come with becoming a Board-Certified Nurse Coach, we’re not trying to be hyperbolic. We truly mean it.
When we ran our first couple of collective a few years ago, there were options for Nurse Coaches, but they were few and far between. Board-Certified Nurse Coaches had to work hard to make a name for themselves.
Professionals in the medical field were skeptical of Nurse Coaching. And that meant that Nurse Coaches found it difficult to establish themselves in private practices or to get their hospitals or organizations to recognize the legitimacy of what they were doing.
Today, this is no longer the case. Nurse Coaching has gone from fringe to mainstream, and now there are more and more opportunities for Board-Certified Nurse Coaches. There truly has never been a better time to get into this field.
Today, we have Nurse Coaches working in hospitals, in bedside settings, in leadership, in management, in education, etc… Some of them are stepping into new roles while others are simply implementing what they’ve learned as Nurse Coaches in their current roles.
Nurse Coaching truly changes you. It changes the way you look at life and the way you interact with patients. It can help you feel more connected with your patients and more connected to your work. And most importantly, it helps you become the best and healthiest version of yourself so you can be the Nurse Coach your patients deserve.
We discuss all of this in more depth (and share what makes our program extra special) in the episode above, so, if you’d like to learn more (and we know you do), make sure to tune in now.
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Personally hosted by Heather and Peter, Co-Founders.