From Zero to 6-Figure Nurse Coach
The #1 reason we keep talking about Nurse Coaching as an alternative to mainstream Nursing roles is that Nurses in the mainstream healthcare system are overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated.
This became glaringly clear during the pandemic, and unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the situation is getting any better.
Nurse Coaching, on the other hand, opens up so many opportunities for us Nurses.
Opportunities that will fulfill you, nurture your soul, and fill your pockets!
Today’s guest, Nurse Coach Shawne Arceneaux, RN, BSN, NC-BC, is living proof of this.
Shawne is a former oncology Nurse turned board-certified Nurse Coach and business mentor.
She helps other healers learn how to take up space, be seen as their authentic selves, and share their healing gifts with the world. She supports oncology providers in preventing burnout, new Nurse Coaches in starting their businesses, and all types of other healers in doing the work that sets their souls on fire.
And because this work is so needed, she’s been very successful in her venture!
In less than 2 years after quitting her old job and pursuing Nurse Coaching, she built a thriving 6-figure private practice.
And now, she’s ready to share her journey with you and inspire other Nurses to follow her lead.
Join us for this insightful interview, where we discuss her journey, what her practice looks like, and how she went from zero to a six-figure private practice in less than two years.
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Personally hosted by Heather and Peter, Co-Founders.