How Much Money Can You Make as a Nurse Coach?
Many new Nurse Coaches wonder about the value of their services and whether people will recognize and invest in their expertise.
So, I bet you’d probably be interested to know how one Nurse Coach managed to earn a massive $14K before even graduating from The Nurse Coach Collective!
In today’s episode, we’ll tell you all about it.
✅ Pricing Structures and Coaching Packages
✅ How to integrate Nurse Coaching with an NP license
✅ Why Freedom is the Most Important Part of Success
Karena Hammon – a Transformative Nurse Coach and Nurse Practitioner – is on a mission to empower women to break free from their reliance on food and alcohol.
Although she was initially unsure how much to charge for her services, she quickly understood that her clients recognized the value of Nurse Coaching and were more than happy to pay a fair price for her services.
Today, she tells us exactly how she got her first paying clients. We’ll explore her personal growth, how Nurse Coaching helped her heal her own relationship with alcohol and food, and how she’s living her new-found freedom as an entrepreneur.
Karena is a powerhouse and an inspiration to us all. This is an episode not to miss!
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Personally hosted by Heather and Peter, Co-Founders.