How to Earn $10K a Month as a Nurse Coach

One of the questions we’re asked all the time is whether it’s possible to make a good living out of Nurse Coaching. 

Well, one of the reasons we’re so passionate about this field is because it offers Nurses the chance to have a job that not only fulfills them but also earns them a stellar income. 

This week, we invite Nurse Coach Karri Willy to join us as we discuss exactly how she managed to break the $10K/month ceiling a little over a year into her private Nurse Coaching practice. 

What makes her story truly remarkable is that she created a plethora of clients without using social media – solely by word of mouth. She shares how to leverage deep connections and powerful conversations to cultivate a referral-based practice. 

Karri works with both individuals and organizations to reach their full potential by bridging the gap between allopathic and alternative medicine. She is living proof that Nurse Coaching can be as lucrative as it is fulfilling and that there is more than one way to do it. 

In this episode, she tells us ALL about it! 

Check out our interview to learn tons of great tips around business, promoting yourself, and the various benefits of Nurse Coaching. 

Tune in! 

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Personally hosted by Heather and Peter, Co-Founders.