I Wish I Had Found Nurse Coaching Sooner

Reignite Your Passion Through Nurse Coaching
Yesterday, I had two of the most incredible conversations of my life.
First, I spoke with a nurse who has been practicing for over 35 years.
“We don’t count the years anymore, we count the decades,” she said, laughing.
As she explained to me how much the profession has changed over the years, I could hear that her words were getting caught in the back of her throat.
By the time she shared that she had lost her passion for nursing, she couldn’t hold back the tears anymore.
“I am so excited to begin a new type of journey within nursing… To be surrounded by a community of like-minded nurses, to help people on a deeper level, and to truly feel fulfilled by the work I do. I am diving in head first. I only wish I had found Nurse Coaching at the beginning of my career so that I could have been doing this all along.”
We hung up the phone and I sat in silence for a while.
I was humbled by the years this incredible human being had dedicated to the nursing profession, yet I was saddened that she was feeling so disheartened.

I asked myself: Where did we go wrong?
Overcome with emotion, I felt my own eyes begin to well up with tears.
Everything this nurse had shared with me resonated on such a deep level. I remembered how I also used to feel disenchanted by my work as a nurse.
But then, all at once, I was filled with excitement. I’m talking jumping-out-of-my seat excited!
I felt overwhelmed with excitement and hope, because after three and a half decades, this amazing nurse was finally going to practice in a way that truly inspires her.
And though she didn’t have that from the beginning of her career, she will have it for the rest of her years.
Riding this wave of excitement, it was time for me to make my next phone call to another nurse. I absolutely love this part of my job!

Find Your Nurse Coaching Community
This nurse was younger, more timid, and perhaps even a bit nervous to speak with me.
“I’m just beginning my career,” she shared with me. “I’ve only been a nurse for two years, and I know I’m a novice in just about everything.”
She went on to explain that even though she’s new to nursing, she’s already feeling extremely burnt out.
“This is not what I expected nursing would be like. I thought I would be able to connect with my patients, get to know their stories, and truly have a positive impact on their lives. Instead, I’m passing meds, checking boxes, and charting all day. I don’t have time to go to the bathroom, and I’m exhausted all the time. I barely have time to sit down with the human being I’m supposed to be caring for.
I know I’m new, but I’m ready for something different. Nurse Coaching speaks to me on so many levels, and I know I want to do this. But I have to ask… am I too new to become a Nurse Coach?”
I paused. Really allowing her words to sink in.
I’ll admit, I remember feeling so similarly after only a few years of working at the bedside. The imposter syndrome ran on high and I questioned just about every move.
Suddenly, I heard the words from earlier in the day echo in my mind:
“I only wish I had found Nurse Coaching at the beginning of my career so that I could have been doing this all along.”
The excitement inside me began to brew all over again.
I shared with this new nurse the insights from my previous conversation, and I felt her confidence and energy rising with every word.
“Yes! I want this! I want to practice holistically now so that I can base the rest of my career on this type of nursing!”
She was practically shouting.
We laughed when we realized we had both gone from sitting down to standing up on either end of the phone line.
When I got off the phone, I was moved by the power of community.

These two nurses will now have the opportunity to know one another, to learn from one another, to grow with one another, and to step into a field of nursing they’ve both been longing for.
They will have the opportunity to mentor each other, to share vulnerably with each other, and to learn and practice the art and science of Nurse Coaching together.
And not just the two of them!
They will also be surrounded by dozens of other future Nurse Coaches. This community is made up of nurses from every walk of life, every specialty, and every corner of the country—all coming together to start this next chapter of their learning journey.
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