Nurses Stand Strong – Part II: Leadership

How can you be the leader your community needs right now?!

My Friends,

You already know that being a nurse coach demands calm under stress.

Now, more than ever, we must do exactly that.

We’re being called to step into our power as community leaders.

So this week, in Nurses Stand Strong, we are focusing on exactly that:


Nursing On The Front Lines

As the backbone of healthcare, nurses have long been on the front lines.

We make up the bulk of the medical workforce, and we’re most directly connected to patients.

And right now, nurses are quite literally stepping into the line of fire.

You’re facing this pandemic head-on, being exposed to far more than most, and caring for the critically ill.

We see you, nurses, as you lead this charge on the front lines.

Leadership Means Upending The Status Quo

Let’s be real – there’s been an epic fail on behalf of our nation’s leadership.

Despite the enormous resources of our great country, the CDC recommends nurses use bandanas and scarves when masks are unavailable.


There’s no way to sugar coat what’s happening.

But being asked to continue to do your job while overwhelmed and under-equipped is nothing new for us nurses.

In fact, it’s the unfortunate status quo.

But through it all, you hold it together.

You continue to show up, day in and day out.

And as we gain control over this novel pathogen, my deepest hope is this:

That we nurses can demand change.

That we no longer accept the status quo.

So I invite you to fearlessly share your stories with the world.

To demand the resources you need to be safe and successful.

And Leadership Doesn’t Stop There

Now, we know that not all nurses work at the bedside.

But we’re all in this together.

If that’s you, I know you’re finding ways to lead in your community…

  • Making sure at-risk populations are cared for
  • Leading online workshops to keep people healthy and motivated so that they don’t become high-risk

And many of you, I’ve witnessed, are throwing all hands on deck to support your fellow nurses by creating communities that inspire and nourish them.

No matter where you are, there’s a way to innovate.

There’s a way to lead the charge towards healthier communities.

Because as a nurse…

Everyone Turns To You

You’re likely the person your family and friends turn to in times of need.

They’ll ask you the tough questions:

“Should I keep going into work?”

“Should I go visit my family?”

“Should I let my kids go to see their grandparents?”

Being a leader means being willing to say the things that are difficult to say.

It’s being committed to spreading truth while keeping people safe.

A Responsibility To Do Your Best

I once read somewhere that your response should be equal to or greater than your ability.

But sometimes, the required response is daunting.

Sometimes, you just want someone else to take the lead and tell you what to do!

My friends, all that’s required of you is to do your best.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

That’s when you can care for yourself, your family, and your patients.

That’s how you can burn brightly without burning out.

So, my colleagues, we honor you for all that you’ve done and will continue to do as a Nurse.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for leading the charge towards improving the health of our nation.

As you know, each nursing role is unique. And every part of the country is facing its own set of challenges right now.  

We’d love to hear from you: In what ways have you or the nurses around you stepped into leadership during these times? 

Join the conversation in the comments.

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